Hi, my name is

Himanshu Sharma

I can do web development, artificial intelligence & much much more.

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I use HTML & CSS along with Javascript & SVG for my web development projects. I try to keep up with the latest features while maintaining support for older or depricated features

For backend development I usually use NodeJS or PHP along with MongoDB or MySQL . I also often use Firebase for small projects. I am familiar with frameworks such as React or Angular but don't use them regularly.

I am very well versed in the field of artificial intelligence and have made various projects with it on my Github using Python. I have also completed a course by HarvardX on AI - Certificate

I started on this journey through the field of game development with Unity & Blender.

Currently, i am learning Flutter as a side hobby to improve my app development skills



A YouTube-like video website where the user can login, watch and upload videos as well as comment on the videos.

Bootstrap, HTML, CSS & JS


(Hosted link coming soon)


A small website which shows and regularly updates the prices of the top 7 most popular crypto currencies.

Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JS
NodeJS Express


Hosted Link

Mars Images Script

A script which can fetch images of mars taken by rovers sent by NASA through the NASA Rover Images API



(Hosted link coming soon)

Flappy Bird NEAT

A NEAT algorithm that learns to play flappy bird over many generations

Python (NEAT Lib)


Custom Programming Language

A programming language based on an older language called BASIC. The language has all basic features of a programming language such as variable, conditions, loops, functions...etc




Custom Portfolio Website

I will make you an amazing custom portfolio website with HTML, CSS & JS

View more on Fiverr


I am a 16 year old that began his coding adventures at the age of 10 through game development.

I have been honing my programming skills for the last 4-5 years of my life and I one day hope to create a tech unicorn which takes humanity beyond the stars to find the secrets of the universe

Hobbies other than programming that I am into are philosophy, anything linked to big dogs and science!

I constantly try to learn new things and expand my knowledge and brain.

Vadodara, Gujarat

is my favourite food